
To become a member or find out more info, come out to a monthly meeting.

If you want to come out for a ride first, please do one of the following:

  1. fill in the new member application form by clicking the button below

  2. print the form from Membership->forms, fill it in and bring it with you.

When the BMA receives your application and payment of the membership fee, you will become a probationary member.

To attain full membership you will need to meet the BMA participation requirements, detailed at the bottom of the page.

Upon meeting the participation requirements, you will be granted full membership status along with a club patch, subject to a $25 administrative fee.

Membership fees and payment are explained below

  • Single - $53.00 ($18.00 one time Initiation fee for one person + $35.00 Membership fee for one person)

  • Family - $96.00 ($36.00 one time Initiation fee for two people + $60.00 Membership fee for two people)


    • Cash

    • Cheque

      • All cheques to be made payable to: Brampton Motorcycle Association

    • e-Transfer to

After you have submitted your New Member Application Form, please print the below and bring to the next meeting

***Required for all New Members***

Requirements of a New Member

Applicants must attend two (2) General Meetings and two (2) Scheduled BMA rides.  Applicant should obtain a signature from the Ride Captain or the Executive for each of the below events during the four (4) month probation period.  Membership to the BMA will be voted upon at the next scheduled Executive meeting after the end of the Applicant's probationary period.

GENERAL MEETING #1     DATE:__________________     EXECUTIVE/RIDE CAPTAIN:_____________________


GENERAL MEETING #2     DATE:__________________     EXECUTIVE/RIDE CAPTAIN:_____________________


SCHEDULED RIDE #1         DATE:__________________     RIDE CAPTAIN:_____________________________


SCHEDULED RIDE #2        DATE:__________________      RIDE CAPTAIN:_____________________________


*NOTE*  Once the above is filled in and signed, please submit to our Treasurer.                                                                                           If, at the end of the four (4) month probation period, you decide not to join and/or membership is not approved, the fee (less initiation) will be refunded.